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109 Coolgardie Avenue, Redcliffe, WA, 6104

Field Goals

Reduction in MAE’s and OPEX

Reduction in MAE’s and OPEX

Overview Location: Cliff Head Platform, Offshore Western Australia Operation: Workover aging…

Slickline Conveyed Mplt In Perth

Slickline Conveyed Mplt In Perth

Overview Location: Walyering-5, Onshore, Dongara Western Australia Operation: CCI JV with…

Sub Sea Wellhead Recovery

Sub Sea Wellhead Recovery

Overview Location: North West Shelf, Western Australia Operation: Sub Sea Wellhead…

Inverted Rig Up & Dropped Object Recovery

Inverted Rig Up & Dropped Object Recovery

Overview Location: Wandoo B- 107, Offshore, Western Australia Operation: Fishing D-shackle…

Swabbing on 5 ½” Un-perforated Casing

Swabbing on 5 ½” Un-perforated Casing

Overview Location: ERL, Dongara, Onshore Western Australia Operation: Unload unperforated casing…

Successful Cliff Head Slickline Operation

Successful Cliff Head Slickline Operation

Overview Location: Cliff Head Platform, Offshore Western Australia Operation: Workover aging…

Engineered lift to facilitate access to outlying Well

Engineered lift to facilitate access to outlying Well

Overview Location: North West Shelf, Western Australia Operation: Replace ESP &…