Overview Location: Cliff Head Platform, Offshore Western Australia Operation: Workover aging…
Overview Location: Walyering-5, Onshore, Dongara Western Australia Operation: CCI JV with…
Overview Location: North West Shelf, Western Australia Operation: Sub Sea Wellhead…
Overview Location: Wandoo B- 107, Offshore, Western Australia Operation: Fishing D-shackle…
Overview Location: ERL, Dongara, Onshore Western Australia Operation: Unload unperforated casing…
Overview Location: Cliff Head Platform, Offshore Western Australia Operation: Workover aging…
Overview Location: North West Shelf, Western Australia Operation: Replace ESP &…
Portable Containerised Nitrogen Generator Portable High-Pressure Compressor Diesel Generator Hurricane…
CCI’s jacking frame telescopes hydraulically and is where the injector head…
The hose reel stores the Extension Hydraulic Hoses for the BOP…